Kingdom Rush Origins
Tips tricks and Cheats for android

Kingdom Rush Origins Guide
A little over a week ago, Kingdom Rush Origins released across mobile platforms. We absolutely loved our time with the game. While Origins doesn’t really bring anything new to the table, the gameplay is just as solid as ever and that is enough to keep us very happy. Even though Kingdom Rush Origins largely employs the same game mechanics as its predecessors, this doesn’t mean veterans of the series will be able to cruise right on through the game. Origins employs new sets of enemies that are capable of fantastically frustrating feats, from cloning themselves upon death to summoning in extra enemies every few steps. Luckily, Gamezebo’s Kingdom Rush Origins Tips, Cheats and Strategies can give you some base level pointers to help keep the enemy hordes at bay.
There are 3 difficulty levels, Casual, Normal and Veteran. You can always change the difficulty level when selecting a stage. How do you change the difficulty level?, First tap on the stage, then tap on the difficulty button, located right below the stage mini-map. The greater the difficulty level, the more waves and more powerful enemies will come.
There are three game modes, Campaign, Heroic and Iron Challenge. Campaign Mode yields a max of 3 stars, while the other two modes give you 1 star each. The last two are also a lot more challenging and only recommended Once your upgrades are capped for that mission challenge.
- Gaining Coins. although you start with a certain amount of coins (that vary depending on the mission and game mode), you obtain more coins as you defeat enemies and make early wave call-ins.
- Hearts/Health. Each time an enemy units reaches the end of the path on your side (blue flags) it consumes your hearts. Elite enemy units consume more hearts than regular units.
- Waves. wondering how many more waves are missing to end the level, check the status bar on the top left corner of the screen. You can call in waves early in by double tapping the wave skull icon in order to gain extra coins.
- Stars. It’s simple, avoid enemies from reaching your side. Stars are not there just for achievement purposes, but allow you to buy upgrades, improving towers and powers. Campaign mode gets you a max of 3 stars, while Iron Challenge and Heroic give you 1 star each when completed.
- Gems. you obtain gems by completing missions. What are gems for?. They are used to buy special attacks/powers at the Gnome Shop. Also, gems frop from elite enemy units in the battlefield when defeated.
- Calling Reinforcements. you can summon troops to help you on the battlefield. Reinforcements are free and you can call them every 15 seconds. Reinforcements are 1 of the 3 special attacks you can use during the course of a battle, the icons are located on the bottom left corner of the screen.
- Strike of Thunderbolt. blast your enemies with the fury of the skies. Thunderbolts are best saved for an emergency or a great opportunity. Since they have a very long cooldown.
- Hero Spell. Each hero gives you a unique spell, this spell counts as one of the 3 specials available in the battlefield.
Heroes are elite units that can face strong enemies and support your forces. The first hero appears by default during the first battle. You can select the hero at the battlefield by tapping on the portrait or hero unit, then touch on the path to move the hero. The hero icon, located right below your status bar at the top-left corner of the screen show the hero level, health and experience. Yes, heroes gain experience every time they damage an enemy or use and ability. Do not mistake reinforcements with Heroes. Heroes can be changed, bought and upgrades in the Hero room. A total of 3 heroes can be unlocked for free, the rest you have to purchase with money (real life money that is). Hero Points. you earn Hero Points by using your hero in battle. It’s worth noticing that hero points can be used on any given hero regardless which hero you used in battle to gain the points. Hero Points are used to train your special hero attack.
When playing the game for the first time, only the four basic tower types are available. However, as you make progress defeating new levels, new towers become unlocked (for instance, level 2 towers become available during the second mission). Also, towers upgrades are not available by default during the first levels.
- Elyen Archers: good rate of fire
- Barracks: soldiers block enemies
- Mystic Mages: multi-shot, armor piercing
- Stone Druids: deals area damage
There are 3 levels of Basic Towers and 2 levels of Advanced Towers.
The upgrade menu consists of 6 trees; Archer Tower upgrades, Ground Troop upgrades, Magic Tower ugprades, Druid tower upgrades, Thunderbolt Special upgrades and Reinforcements upgrades. You can find the complete list of upgrades in the following page.
There are 6 types of special power-ups/attacks you can buy at the Shop;
- Hand of Midas. the hand of mighty midas will double your income for a while. Be sure to use it at the right time. [750 gems]
- Teleport Scroll. the teleport scroll holds a spell that will carry your enemies back down the path. Use in case of emergency. [50 gems]
- Horn of Heroism. blow the horn and make your towers and soldiers invulnerable. as well as able to deal double damage. [125 gems]
- Wrath of Elynie. this holy symbol unleashes the fury of the elven goddess. Just plan to be anywhere but where you are using it. [999 gems]
- Gem of Timewarp. the magic in this orb will teleport all enemies back down the path while also slowing them down. Erase and rewind. [150 gems]
- Rod of Dragon. one of the jewels of our arsenal. It holds the breath of a thousand dragons. Just place it on the road and set the world on fire. [450 gems]
1. Duking it Out
- Every level has one or more choke point – an area where the enemy is funneled through and is more open to attack, usually because of the environment around them. Figure each of them out and focus on using it to your advantage.
- One good way of using a choke point to your advantage is to create a blockade of an archer tower along with a melee tower.
- Archers are good at dishing out the damage but they’re too easy to get away from on their own. Combine them with a melee tower, however, and the ground troops slow the enemy down, enabling your archers to pick them off.
- Make sure you move the ground troops’ rally points to a place that means they adequately cover such areas.
- Thin out crowds of enemies. It’s too easy to miss a few when they’re in a pack, but once a pack is thinned out they’re much easier to take out.
- Use special abilities such as lightning bolts to take out large groups quickly. Even if some are just weakened, it’ll make life much easier later on.
- Place the highest upgraded towers at the end of the level. Enemies will be weaker by then and your strong towers should be able to finish them off easily.
- Another option is to use your hero near the end of each stage to take out what’s left, but you might find the hero standing around not doing much early on.
- The hero is your main source of interaction, so for the sake of your enjoyment as well as picking off enemies fast, keep them moving around.
- Practice makes perfect. You can stumble to success early on, but soon enough you’re going to have to accept that your first go on a new stage is a trial run. Don’t worry about it.
2. General Advice
- Focus on upgrading anything relating to reinforcement skill boosts. More troops is always good news.
- When it’s quiet, call in early waves. You’ll gain extra gold that way as well as shorter spell cooldown periods.
- Don’t bother pursuing anything higher than the Campaign Mode until you’ve upgraded a lot. It’ll only frustrate you.
- Some levels have interactive elements. For instance, you can tap on barrels floating down the river for an Easter Egg, as well as extra gold.
- If you’re feeling cruel, you can splat deer with a couple of taps of your finger, too.
3. Blockades Are Your Friends
Always look for tower positions that can be paired together. Put an archer tower across from a melee tower so that the archer tower can help eliminate the enemies the melee soldiers are fighting. This is the best and easiest way to combat the long streams of enemies that pour onto the map in waves. If you invest in heavy armor for the melee units, and the powerful area-damage arrows for the archer towers, the massacre-potential is very high. I always kept my hero in the very last blockade. I used the mage dude who had the ability to call in a hard-hitting barrage of fireballs. This way if an enemy happened to make it through my first few blockades, it would quickly be roasted by my hero.
4. Thin The Herd
Some enemies creep down the lanes in packs. Packs are very bad. Packs can overwhelm the player’s defenses, allowing some enemies to scoot on down the lane taking no damage at all. The best way to avoid being overwhelmed is to thin the pack early on. If you see a steady stream of monsters trickling down the lane, consider dropping a special ability in the middle to stagger or wipe out a few of the monsters, breaking the big wave into two smaller waves. This will greatly relieve the strain on your blockades since the first blockade will filter a few monsters and the second blockade will clean up any that happened to make it through.
5. Blot Out The Sun
In the first half of the game, you can get by with the majority of your towers being archer towers. With two or three established blockades, stack upgraded archer towers all around them for a rain of arrows that can take down just about anything.
6. Break Apart The Map
Before you signal the game to start, take a good look at the map. Look for any natural choke points, and build blockades at those locations. Consider the map sectored into zones between the checkpoints. So say you have two blockades; this will divide the map into three zones: the entry zone, the middle zone, and the end-zone. Upgrade the towers in the end-zone first, as you want to save the strongest towers for the last stretch of road, in an effort to guarantee any weakened enemies do not make it through the final stretch of the map.
7. Know Your Enemy
Consider every first run a practice run. You literally don’t know what to expect from level to level. There is no need to get frustrated if you go from full health to no health in a wave because you didn’t expect the ugly goat enemies to be able to “poof” into fairies and traverse unharmed down the side of the map. Take a breath, think about whatever weakness the new enemy units just exploited and think about what you can employ to stop them the next time the level is attempted.
8. An Army of Two
Seriously, use your skill points on those little reinforcement duos as soon as you can afford them. I cannot tell you how many times they saved me from failure. Don’t underestimate the difference a couple of soldier can make in the long run. Especially when you get their cool-down timer reduced. The reinforcements can attack both land and airborne enemies, so keep that in mind when the swarms of flying monsters descend upon your towers.
Kingdom Rush Origins Tips
1. Cut Down Enemy Packs Before They Get Out of Hand
- You’ll notice that some enemy troops will enter the map in big packs. These enemy groups can become an issue, since they can give way to other enemies by providing them some room to progress. Do your best to take down these enemy troop packs early on before they get out of hand. Once you spot a big stream of enemies coming down your lanes, use special abilities and your reinforcement troop abilities to make quick work of them. Make sure you put them down before they reach the end point of your blockade.
- While you’re waiting for new enemy waves to appear, spawn more troops on the map early for an advantage.
2. Place More Archer Towers on Each Stage Than Barracks Towers During the Beginning Levels
- It’s a smart move to place an equal amount of barracks and archer towers within the 1st batch of stages. Place them within the same vicinity. But we think it’s a more viable action to place more archer towers around the map. Don’t get us wrong now – you should have a few barracks towers set up here and there. But you’ll have more success placing a healthy amount of archer towers all over the map. Make sure you do a good job of upgrading these towers more than the others, too.
- During the later parts of the game, you should make good use of more archer towers along with stone druid towers and mage towers. One or two barracks towers should suffice. Pack on the heat by producing a lot of the aforementioned three tower types, though.
3. Make Proper Use of Each Level’s Choke Point
One of the key areas to deal the most damage to your enemies are choke points. These choke points are simply areas on the map where enemy troops are more prone to proceed through on the way towards you. Examine each level, locate that specific choke point or two and place two melee towers or archer towers in that area. It might be a more beneficial move to place one melee tower and archer tower together near a choke point.
4. Use Your Special Abilities on Larger Groups of Enemies
- You should only break out your special abilities when you start to get overwhelmed by large groups of enemies. This means you should make good use of your Thunderbolts and Arrow Storms in the most dire of situations only.
5. Place Your Strongest Towers and Main Hero Near the Ending Areas of the Map
Place the highest upgraded towers at the end of the level. Enemies will be weaker by then and your strong towers should be able to finish them off easily. Another option is to use your hero near the end of each stage to take out what’s left, but you might find the hero standing around not doing much early on.
Kingdom Rush Origins TIPS & HINTS
- Command Your Troops. you can adjust your soldier’s rally point to make them defend a different area. Select the rally point control in the tower menu and then tap where you want your soldiers to go.
- Armored Enemies. some enemies wear armor of different strengths which protects them against non magical attacks. Armored enemies take less damage from archers, soldiers and stone druids.
- Barracks are good for blocking the enemy but lack in attack power. Make sure you have enough firepower to support them. always support your soldiers with ranged Towers.
- Tapping an enemy will show you its current statistics.
- Level 2 and 3 barracks have a ranged attack capable of targeting flying enemies
- Enemies and soldiers with armor receive less physical damage.
- Lightning bolts deal area damage. So they are best used against large concentrations of enemies.
- Selling a tower that has little effect is a clever move.
- Magic damage is the best way to deal with armored enemies.
- Upgrading a barrak instantly trains new soldiers.
- Flying enemies cannot be blocked by barracks and won’t be targeted by druid or weirdwoods.
- Enemies with magic resistance receive less damage from magic attacks
- Boulder explosions can damage flying enemies although they cannot target them directly.
adjust the rally point of soldiers to create better strategies
- Calling an early wave gives bonus gold and reduces spell cooldowns
- You can check the incoming wave’s enemies by tapping the wave icon once.
- Use reinforcements or barracks to isolate a troublesome enemy.
- Forest Keepers’ Ancient Oak spear upgrade dealts true damage to enemies.
- Hero special powers have varied cooldowns. Make sure to learn your hero
- All spiders are resistant to poison.
- Beware of bunnies: these fluffy adversaries are too cue to be blocked by soldiers.
- Even if a barrack tower is disabled, its soldiers will continue fighting and blocking enemies.
- Pay attention to stage specials, sometimes building a strategy around them is worth it and fun.
- Maximize druid’s damage potential by placing barracks close to them.
- All healing effects also remove poison and diseases.
- Every hero has unique abilities that enable different strategies.
- Maggic Blossoms. when touched, magic blossoms shoot magic missiles that target nearby enemies.
- You can upload your game progress by tapping on the iCloud button in the welcome screen (the button appears right next to each saved game session slot)
- Magic Resistant Enemies. some enemies enjoy different levels of magic resistance which protects them against magical attacks. Magic resistant enemies take less damage from mages.
A little over a week ago, Kingdom Rush Origins released across mobile platforms. We absolutely loved our time with the game. While Origins doesn’t really bring anything new to the table, the gameplay is just as solid as ever and that is enough to keep us very happy. Even though Kingdom Rush Origins largely employs the same game mechanics as its predecessors, this doesn’t mean veterans of the series will be able to cruise right on through the game. Origins employs new sets of enemies that are capable of fantastically frustrating feats, from cloning themselves upon death to summoning in extra enemies every few steps. Luckily, Gamezebo’s Kingdom Rush Origins Tips, Cheats and Strategies can give you some base level pointers to help keep the enemy hordes at bay.
There are 3 difficulty levels, Casual, Normal and Veteran. You can always change the difficulty level when selecting a stage. How do you change the difficulty level?, First tap on the stage, then tap on the difficulty button, located right below the stage mini-map. The greater the difficulty level, the more waves and more powerful enemies will come.
There are three game modes, Campaign, Heroic and Iron Challenge. Campaign Mode yields a max of 3 stars, while the other two modes give you 1 star each. The last two are also a lot more challenging and only recommended Once your upgrades are capped for that mission challenge.
- Gaining Coins. although you start with a certain amount of coins (that vary depending on the mission and game mode), you obtain more coins as you defeat enemies and make early wave call-ins.
- Hearts/Health. Each time an enemy units reaches the end of the path on your side (blue flags) it consumes your hearts. Elite enemy units consume more hearts than regular units.
- Waves. wondering how many more waves are missing to end the level, check the status bar on the top left corner of the screen. You can call in waves early in by double tapping the wave skull icon in order to gain extra coins.
- Stars. It’s simple, avoid enemies from reaching your side. Stars are not there just for achievement purposes, but allow you to buy upgrades, improving towers and powers. Campaign mode gets you a max of 3 stars, while Iron Challenge and Heroic give you 1 star each when completed.
- Gems. you obtain gems by completing missions. What are gems for?. They are used to buy special attacks/powers at the Gnome Shop. Also, gems frop from elite enemy units in the battlefield when defeated.
- Calling Reinforcements. you can summon troops to help you on the battlefield. Reinforcements are free and you can call them every 15 seconds. Reinforcements are 1 of the 3 special attacks you can use during the course of a battle, the icons are located on the bottom left corner of the screen.
- Strike of Thunderbolt. blast your enemies with the fury of the skies. Thunderbolts are best saved for an emergency or a great opportunity. Since they have a very long cooldown.
- Hero Spell. Each hero gives you a unique spell, this spell counts as one of the 3 specials available in the battlefield.
Heroes are elite units that can face strong enemies and support your forces. The first hero appears by default during the first battle. You can select the hero at the battlefield by tapping on the portrait or hero unit, then touch on the path to move the hero. The hero icon, located right below your status bar at the top-left corner of the screen show the hero level, health and experience. Yes, heroes gain experience every time they damage an enemy or use and ability. Do not mistake reinforcements with Heroes. Heroes can be changed, bought and upgrades in the Hero room. A total of 3 heroes can be unlocked for free, the rest you have to purchase with money (real life money that is). Hero Points. you earn Hero Points by using your hero in battle. It’s worth noticing that hero points can be used on any given hero regardless which hero you used in battle to gain the points. Hero Points are used to train your special hero attack.
When playing the game for the first time, only the four basic tower types are available. However, as you make progress defeating new levels, new towers become unlocked (for instance, level 2 towers become available during the second mission). Also, towers upgrades are not available by default during the first levels.
- Elyen Archers: good rate of fire
- Barracks: soldiers block enemies
- Mystic Mages: multi-shot, armor piercing
- Stone Druids: deals area damage
There are 3 levels of Basic Towers and 2 levels of Advanced Towers.
The upgrade menu consists of 6 trees; Archer Tower upgrades, Ground Troop upgrades, Magic Tower ugprades, Druid tower upgrades, Thunderbolt Special upgrades and Reinforcements upgrades. You can find the complete list of upgrades in the following page.
There are 6 types of special power-ups/attacks you can buy at the Shop;
- Hand of Midas. the hand of mighty midas will double your income for a while. Be sure to use it at the right time. [750 gems]
- Teleport Scroll. the teleport scroll holds a spell that will carry your enemies back down the path. Use in case of emergency. [50 gems]
- Horn of Heroism. blow the horn and make your towers and soldiers invulnerable. as well as able to deal double damage. [125 gems]
- Wrath of Elynie. this holy symbol unleashes the fury of the elven goddess. Just plan to be anywhere but where you are using it. [999 gems]
- Gem of Timewarp. the magic in this orb will teleport all enemies back down the path while also slowing them down. Erase and rewind. [150 gems]
- Rod of Dragon. one of the jewels of our arsenal. It holds the breath of a thousand dragons. Just place it on the road and set the world on fire. [450 gems]
1. Duking it Out
- Every level has one or more choke point – an area where the enemy is funneled through and is more open to attack, usually because of the environment around them. Figure each of them out and focus on using it to your advantage.
- One good way of using a choke point to your advantage is to create a blockade of an archer tower along with a melee tower.
- Archers are good at dishing out the damage but they’re too easy to get away from on their own. Combine them with a melee tower, however, and the ground troops slow the enemy down, enabling your archers to pick them off.
- Make sure you move the ground troops’ rally points to a place that means they adequately cover such areas.
- Thin out crowds of enemies. It’s too easy to miss a few when they’re in a pack, but once a pack is thinned out they’re much easier to take out.
- Use special abilities such as lightning bolts to take out large groups quickly. Even if some are just weakened, it’ll make life much easier later on.
- Place the highest upgraded towers at the end of the level. Enemies will be weaker by then and your strong towers should be able to finish them off easily.
- Another option is to use your hero near the end of each stage to take out what’s left, but you might find the hero standing around not doing much early on.
- The hero is your main source of interaction, so for the sake of your enjoyment as well as picking off enemies fast, keep them moving around.
- Practice makes perfect. You can stumble to success early on, but soon enough you’re going to have to accept that your first go on a new stage is a trial run. Don’t worry about it.
2. General Advice
- Focus on upgrading anything relating to reinforcement skill boosts. More troops is always good news.
- When it’s quiet, call in early waves. You’ll gain extra gold that way as well as shorter spell cooldown periods.
- Don’t bother pursuing anything higher than the Campaign Mode until you’ve upgraded a lot. It’ll only frustrate you.
- Some levels have interactive elements. For instance, you can tap on barrels floating down the river for an Easter Egg, as well as extra gold.
- If you’re feeling cruel, you can splat deer with a couple of taps of your finger, too.
3. Blockades Are Your Friends
Always look for tower positions that can be paired together. Put an archer tower across from a melee tower so that the archer tower can help eliminate the enemies the melee soldiers are fighting. This is the best and easiest way to combat the long streams of enemies that pour onto the map in waves. If you invest in heavy armor for the melee units, and the powerful area-damage arrows for the archer towers, the massacre-potential is very high. I always kept my hero in the very last blockade. I used the mage dude who had the ability to call in a hard-hitting barrage of fireballs. This way if an enemy happened to make it through my first few blockades, it would quickly be roasted by my hero.
4. Thin The Herd
Some enemies creep down the lanes in packs. Packs are very bad. Packs can overwhelm the player’s defenses, allowing some enemies to scoot on down the lane taking no damage at all. The best way to avoid being overwhelmed is to thin the pack early on. If you see a steady stream of monsters trickling down the lane, consider dropping a special ability in the middle to stagger or wipe out a few of the monsters, breaking the big wave into two smaller waves. This will greatly relieve the strain on your blockades since the first blockade will filter a few monsters and the second blockade will clean up any that happened to make it through.
5. Blot Out The Sun
In the first half of the game, you can get by with the majority of your towers being archer towers. With two or three established blockades, stack upgraded archer towers all around them for a rain of arrows that can take down just about anything.
6. Break Apart The Map
Before you signal the game to start, take a good look at the map. Look for any natural choke points, and build blockades at those locations. Consider the map sectored into zones between the checkpoints. So say you have two blockades; this will divide the map into three zones: the entry zone, the middle zone, and the end-zone. Upgrade the towers in the end-zone first, as you want to save the strongest towers for the last stretch of road, in an effort to guarantee any weakened enemies do not make it through the final stretch of the map.
7. Know Your Enemy
Consider every first run a practice run. You literally don’t know what to expect from level to level. There is no need to get frustrated if you go from full health to no health in a wave because you didn’t expect the ugly goat enemies to be able to “poof” into fairies and traverse unharmed down the side of the map. Take a breath, think about whatever weakness the new enemy units just exploited and think about what you can employ to stop them the next time the level is attempted.
8. An Army of Two
Seriously, use your skill points on those little reinforcement duos as soon as you can afford them. I cannot tell you how many times they saved me from failure. Don’t underestimate the difference a couple of soldier can make in the long run. Especially when you get their cool-down timer reduced. The reinforcements can attack both land and airborne enemies, so keep that in mind when the swarms of flying monsters descend upon your towers.
Kingdom Rush Origins Tips
1. Cut Down Enemy Packs Before They Get Out of Hand
- You’ll notice that some enemy troops will enter the map in big packs. These enemy groups can become an issue, since they can give way to other enemies by providing them some room to progress. Do your best to take down these enemy troop packs early on before they get out of hand. Once you spot a big stream of enemies coming down your lanes, use special abilities and your reinforcement troop abilities to make quick work of them. Make sure you put them down before they reach the end point of your blockade.
- While you’re waiting for new enemy waves to appear, spawn more troops on the map early for an advantage.
2. Place More Archer Towers on Each Stage Than Barracks Towers During the Beginning Levels
- It’s a smart move to place an equal amount of barracks and archer towers within the 1st batch of stages. Place them within the same vicinity. But we think it’s a more viable action to place more archer towers around the map. Don’t get us wrong now – you should have a few barracks towers set up here and there. But you’ll have more success placing a healthy amount of archer towers all over the map. Make sure you do a good job of upgrading these towers more than the others, too.
- During the later parts of the game, you should make good use of more archer towers along with stone druid towers and mage towers. One or two barracks towers should suffice. Pack on the heat by producing a lot of the aforementioned three tower types, though.
3. Make Proper Use of Each Level’s Choke Point
One of the key areas to deal the most damage to your enemies are choke points. These choke points are simply areas on the map where enemy troops are more prone to proceed through on the way towards you. Examine each level, locate that specific choke point or two and place two melee towers or archer towers in that area. It might be a more beneficial move to place one melee tower and archer tower together near a choke point.
4. Use Your Special Abilities on Larger Groups of Enemies
- You should only break out your special abilities when you start to get overwhelmed by large groups of enemies. This means you should make good use of your Thunderbolts and Arrow Storms in the most dire of situations only.
5. Place Your Strongest Towers and Main Hero Near the Ending Areas of the Map
Place the highest upgraded towers at the end of the level. Enemies will be weaker by then and your strong towers should be able to finish them off easily. Another option is to use your hero near the end of each stage to take out what’s left, but you might find the hero standing around not doing much early on.
Kingdom Rush Origins TIPS & HINTS
- Command Your Troops. you can adjust your soldier’s rally point to make them defend a different area. Select the rally point control in the tower menu and then tap where you want your soldiers to go.
- Armored Enemies. some enemies wear armor of different strengths which protects them against non magical attacks. Armored enemies take less damage from archers, soldiers and stone druids.
- Barracks are good for blocking the enemy but lack in attack power. Make sure you have enough firepower to support them. always support your soldiers with ranged Towers.
- Tapping an enemy will show you its current statistics.
- Level 2 and 3 barracks have a ranged attack capable of targeting flying enemies
- Enemies and soldiers with armor receive less physical damage.
- Lightning bolts deal area damage. So they are best used against large concentrations of enemies.
- Selling a tower that has little effect is a clever move.
- Magic damage is the best way to deal with armored enemies.
- Upgrading a barrak instantly trains new soldiers.
- Flying enemies cannot be blocked by barracks and won’t be targeted by druid or weirdwoods.
- Enemies with magic resistance receive less damage from magic attacks
- Boulder explosions can damage flying enemies although they cannot target them directly.
adjust the rally point of soldiers to create better strategies
- Calling an early wave gives bonus gold and reduces spell cooldowns
- You can check the incoming wave’s enemies by tapping the wave icon once.
- Use reinforcements or barracks to isolate a troublesome enemy.
- Forest Keepers’ Ancient Oak spear upgrade dealts true damage to enemies.
- Hero special powers have varied cooldowns. Make sure to learn your hero
- All spiders are resistant to poison.
- Beware of bunnies: these fluffy adversaries are too cue to be blocked by soldiers.
- Even if a barrack tower is disabled, its soldiers will continue fighting and blocking enemies.
- Pay attention to stage specials, sometimes building a strategy around them is worth it and fun.
- Maximize druid’s damage potential by placing barracks close to them.
- All healing effects also remove poison and diseases.
- Every hero has unique abilities that enable different strategies.
- Maggic Blossoms. when touched, magic blossoms shoot magic missiles that target nearby enemies.
- You can upload your game progress by tapping on the iCloud button in the welcome screen (the button appears right next to each saved game session slot)
- Magic Resistant Enemies. some enemies enjoy different levels of magic resistance which protects them against magical attacks. Magic resistant enemies take less damage from mages.
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